Build for Solution Challenge 2020

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Solution Challenge?

The Solution Challenge is an annual contest presented by Developer Student Clubs (DSC) that invites students to develop solutions for local community problems using one or more Google products or platforms.

What is the maximum capacity for a team?

The team can have 4 members at max.

What are the perks offered by the event?

When you register, you receive directions to join Google’s online community where 80+ mentors from Google and Google Developer Experts are available to help. Furthermore, you will also be added to Google’s "Check-ins" where they not only share resources but also provide support.

What are the minimum requirements to register for this event?

If you love to be a part of the solution to the problems of your local community, you are more than welcome to participate in this event.

What is the submissions window for the solutions?

Submissions will be accepted only between a particular period, which is 15th to 30th March, and any entry that is submitted before or after this period, will not be subjected to further evaluation.

What are the prizes offered to the winning teams?

10 winning teams (up to 4 members) from across the globe will be identified and receive prizes including but, not limited to:

  • A curated experience with Googlers to celebrate the winning solutions
  • Winning teams will be featured on Google channels
  • A certificate from Developer Student Clubs noting your contributions and achievements.

What is the evaluation criteria for each submission?

The evaluation will be done on a scale of 100, which is further broken down into:

  • Impact(50)
  • Technology(40)
  • Scalability(10)

Where can I register for this event?

If you are interested, you can register on this link: